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Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming By Example Book CoverExcel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming By Example

Julitta Korol

ISBN: 9781683928867
Pub Date:  December 2022
Specs: 7 x 9   Paperback
Pages: 1072
Price: $59.95


Updated for Excel 2021 and based on the bestselling editions from previous versions, Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming by Example is a practical, how-to book on Excel programming, suitable for readers already proficient with the Excel user interface.  If you are looking to automate Excel routine tasks, this book will progressively introduce you to programming concepts via numerous illustrated hands-on exercises. More advanced topics are demonstrated via custom projects. From recording and editing a macro and writing VBA code from scratch to programming the Ribbon interface and working with XML documents, this book takes you on a programming journey that will change the way you work with Excel. The book provides information on performing automatic operations on files, folders, and other Microsoft Office applications. It also covers proper use of event procedures, testing and debugging, and guides you through programming more advanced Excel features, such as working with VBA classes and raising your own events in standalone class modules. Includes companion files with source code, hands-on projects, and figures.


Updated for Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 and previous versions
• Includes 29 chapters and more than 275 applied examples and 10 projects
• Provides a practical coverage of using Web queries, HTML, XML, and VBScript.
• Companion files with color screen captures, source code, and projects in the text


Since 1993, Julitta Korol (Long Island, NY) has published over two dozen computer books on using and programming Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. Ms. Korol has completed professional certifications by Microsoft Corporation and the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA).